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Academic References

Circular Library

ISLAMIYYAT 37(1) 2015: 29 - 38

Outcomes of this test showed two important findings: firstly, communication significantly and positively correlated with academic performance. Secondly, support correlated positively and significantly with academic performance. In sum, this result confirms that mentoring program does act as an important predictor of mentees’ academic performance in the organizations, where this research was conducted

Korean Journal of Medical Education. 31. 159 -172. 10.3946/kjme.2019.127. 

In terms of the practical purposes and considering the importance of individuals being able to get to know each other and find compatibility in mentoring relationships, the significance of defining and classifying professional and expertise records of professors can help the students to choose the professors which are capable of meeting their needs. This leads to compatibility between the professors and students.


Furthermore, the developed tool in the current study can be used for assessing and proposing feedback to professors and clarifying their weaknesses and strengths in mentoring and helping them and their respective institutions to plan for overcoming their weaknesses. It can be also a basis for obtaining objective data with regard to the outputs of mentoring programs and assessing considerable levels of their



Moreover, mentors and their mentees can potentially use the findings to further identify each other and clarify their disagreed points. Finally, they can identify their needs and expectations and adapt them with the needs, responsibilities, and abilities of opposite party


Across all sectors and all articles the benefits of mentoring for all stakeholders break down into percentages of the total number of citations as follows:

• Motivational Benefits - percentage of total citations 33%

• Performance and Policy Implementation benefits - percentage of total citations 30%

• Knowledge and Skills Development benefits - percentage of total citations 24%

• Managing Change and Succession benefits - percentage of total citations 13% The percentage of the total number of cited benefits for each stakeholder is as follows:

• Benefits for the mentee 40% of total number of citations

• Benefits for the business 33% of total number of citations

• Benefits for the mentor 27% of total number of citations

Is mentoring worthwhile? The answer must be ‘yes’ but subject to certain conditions and don’t expect 100% success 100% of the time.



Mentoring is a powerful method and one of the most successful and effective leadership development delivery methods known to mankind. Islamic heritage is rich of stories of mentorship and coaching from the early days of creation, and the Quran and hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) bring to life every possible type and track of mentor coaching.

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